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Research & Development by
Vinay Kumar Vishwakarma


PixMaster is a software and technology development company, with a current focus on research and development in image processing. Its founder, Vinay Kumar Vishwakarma, discovered a passion for image editing at a young age and identified several shortcomings in the field. He realized that there was significant room for improvement in the technology, despite several big software companies like Adobe working in the image correction segment. After years of research and development, Vinay has achieved a significant breakthrough in the field of image processing.


To provide a brief demonstration of our research and development, consider the following question: Can a single color correction option be developed to address the majority of color problems?


While it is true that options like color balance in Photoshop and temperature tint in Lightroom can address simple color problems, users often have to experiment with various solutions like color filters, channel mixers, and channels in levels for more complex issues. Even with color balance options, users still have to adjust shadows, midtones, and highlights and often toggle the preserve luminosity checkbox. This process requires experimentation with nine sliders and one checkbox for simple color correction alone.


Our research and development has resulted in a breakthrough solution that requires only three sliders for color correction. This technology has the potential to address a wide range of color problems, from simple to complex.


We have developed several image correction algorithms and continue to work towards improving our technology to provide exceptional results and a unique user experience. Our focus is on improving efficiency and productivity. We are constantly innovating and developing cutting-edge image processing solutions that have a positive impact on both present and future society.

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