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Color Balance

In photography and image processing, color balance is the global adjustment of the intensities of the colors. An important goal of this adjustment is to render specific colors – particularly neutral colors – correctly; hence, the general method is sometimes called gray balance, neutral balance, or white balance. Color balance changes the overall mixture of colors in an image, generalized versions of color balance are used to get colors other than neutrals to also appear correct or pleasing.


Our color correction technology represents a significant breakthrough in image processing.


Currently, users often find themselves struggling with adjustments for shadows, midtones, highlights, and preserving luminosity within the color correction dialog. When faced with nuanced color issues, they resort to exploring alternative options such as channel mixers or adjusting levels in different color channels. This often leads to uncertainty about which method will effectively solve the color problem.

Our color correction technology simplifies the process with just three sliders. It effectively resolves even major color issues, eliminating the need for users to navigate between various options and settings.

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